21 DAYS.




21 DAYS.


Video about the program

Starvation creates an environment that allows the body to flush out accumulated toxins.

Toxicity blocks the body's natural ability to heal itself.When you begin a fasting program, you will notice positive physical changes very quickly.
Weight loss
From 3 to 15 kg go away due to the removal of all toxins and toxins sorbent, which is included in the second stage of the program
Skin cleansing
Reduces the number of rashes on the skin, changes its color, accelerates recovery
Getting rid of parasites
Due to the laxative effect of the sorbent in the second stage of the program, parasites, bacteria and fungus leave the body
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3 days

Before you move on to the Purification phase, we recommend that you prepare yourself and your body with a proper two meals a day. Preparation is especially important for people whose diet is too high in caffeine, flour products and industrially prepared foods.

7 days

The core part of our detox program.Two of your three meals are replaced with a combination of cleansing shakes and herbs, and a probiotic complex is added for lunch.

4 days

The correct exit from the program is the key to the correct effect of the whole program.Learn how to complete the cleansing program correctly, how to prepare your diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to maintain the achieved effect.
Week #1.


Week #2.

Soft Entry

Week #3

Deep baby

Week #4

Smooth output


Support plan
and nutrition

You can stop at your comfort level and try a more challenging program during your next cleanse


That's how many people who have gone through a body cleansing program report positive changes in their bodies and in their lives

Weight loss
From 3 to 15 kg go away due to the removal of all toxins and toxins sorbent, which is included in the second stage of the program
Skin rejuvenation and purification
Reduces the number of rashes on the skin, changes its color, accelerates recovery
Headaches are reduced
Often the cause of headaches is intoxication of the body
Heart function improves
It relieves bloating of the intestines, which raises the diaphragm, which increases pressure on the heart
Restores intestinal microflora
With the help of bifido and lactobacilli
Parasites, bacteria, fungus are removed
and due to the laxative effect of the sorbent, are eliminated from the body
Your sleep improves
By normalizing the nervous system, irritability and anxiety are reduced and sleep quality is improved.
Breathing is improving
The bloating of the intestines is relieved, which raises the diaphragm, which reduces lung volume

Watch video testimonial

How does it work?


The detox kit is delivered to your door, inside the box is everything you need to successfully complete the program.

Detox program

Going through the program is simple: a shake for breakfast, a full lunch, a shake for dinner, and taking probiotics.

Exiting the program

Our experts will advise you on how to exit the program and answer any questions you may have

Is it okay for me to do detox?

Each has its own peculiarities, and there are contraindications. Ask your detox specialist a question.
Pavel Pronin
13 years of practicing
detox and fasts
Cleansing cocktail
Absorbs and removes undigested food residues, toxic poisons and heavy metals from the body
Medicinal herbs
25 natural medicinal herbs, papin and premium Altai mumie cleanse and nourish
Probiotic complex
Restore friendly microflora, support comfortable digestion
Cleansing cocktail
Absorbs and removes undigested food residues, toxic poisons and heavy metals from the body
Medicinal herbs
25 natural medicinal herbs, papin and premium Altai mumie cleanse and nourish
Probiotic complex
Restore friendly microflora, support comfortable digestion
No nuts
Mineral composition for water in each box

Handy bag
as a gift

Carry your shaker, cleansing shakes, herbs and probiotics together in a convenient bag


Carry your shaker with you. Mix cleansing shakes and herbal remedies with convenience and pleasure
Pure water, homemade kvass, freshly squeezed juice, water with honey or homemade jam to make drinking a cocktail a pleasure
Pour the drink into the shaker about 2/3 full or measure 300-350 ml on the volume scale on the side of the shaker
Gently tear the sachet along the top edge and spoon the contents into a shaker with the prepared drink
Stir it up
and drink
Stir the contents of the drink sachet in a shaker until smooth, and drink immediately before the cocktail thickens

In stock,
order online!

and get a free online consultation with an expert!

Eating before,


and after

Only 20% of our health is determined by genetics, 80% by lifestyle and eating patterns

At Moon Detox, every meal, elixir, smoothie and fresh juice is a work of art, created with special care and attention. All the culinary magic of the center is aimed at providing the body with nutrients and maximizing the benefits of food for your health.

A superfood connoisseur's paradise awaits, where you'll find raw cacao beans, raw coconut sugar, Himalayan pink salt, organic brown rice, and cold-pressed oils.

No dairy, eggs, refined sugars, preservatives, pesticides, GMOs or glutamates are used here. Our primary goal is to bring you the best local, natural, organic and plant-based ingredients.

Fruits and Vegetables
Cereal fruits, fresh fruit juices, seaweed, avocados, olives, and raw, steamed, or cooked vegetables

Milk substitutes
Hemp, rice or nut milk (from almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc.), coconut milk

Cereals and starches
Brown, red, black and wild rice, millet, amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa

Plant proteins
Peas, lentils, peas, spirulina

Nuts and seeds
Hemp, sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, pecans, almonds, walnuts, pistachios, Brazil nuts, ground nut paste

Cold-pressed oils: flaxseed, sunflower, pumpkin, olive, sesame, almond, coconut oils

Spring water, green or herbal tea, low mineralization mineral water, mate, green fresh juices, homemade kvass

Honey, stevia, dried fruit (in moderation)

Apple cider vinegar, all spices, all herbs, any herbs, sea salt, black pepper, mustard, horseradish, sugar-free fruit jams

Fruits and vegetables
Oranges, orange juice, grapefruit, bananas, strawberries, grapes, corn, puree soups, nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, potatoes)

Milk substitutes
Milk products and eggs: milk, cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, yogurt, butter, ice cream, ghee

Cereals and starches
White rice, wheat, corn, barley, spelt, rye, oats

Plant proteins
Soybean products (soy sauce, soy milk, and others)

Nuts and Seeds
Peanuts and Peanut Butter

Butter, margarine, refined oils, mayonnaises, sauces, dressings, and dressings

Alcohol, coffee, soft drinks with caffeine, Coca-Cola and any "colored" sweet drinks, reconstituted fruit juices (almost all juices from the store)

Refined sugar, brown sugar, maple syrup, corn syrup, juice concentrates, any candy, cakes, store-bought sweets, chocolate

Ketchup, soy sauce, mayonnaise and vinegar sauces (virtually all store-bought sauces)

Switch to a fitness regimen where walking, light jogging, swimming, yoga should be at the top of your list.

Keep an eye on your condition, it is common to experience mild weakness during a detox.

Movement activates the lymphatic system and also greatly increases the efficiency of all of the body's excretory systems through regular bowel emptying (intestines), deeper breathing (lungs) and perspiration (skin).

Move, easily and at ease.

Be careful!
There are contraindications


individual intolerance to the components


pregnancy and breastfeeding


diarrhea and intestinal obstruction


acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract


Peptic ulcer disease and other GI diseases in exacerbation stage
It is not recommended to start the program during premenstrual period, it is better to wait until the end of menstruation. Persons with thyroid diseases should consult an endocrinologist. It is too early for children under 14 years of age to undergo this program.
Download the instructions for the program
Albert Zehr
Program creator

A world-renowned nutrition scientist with a Ph.

He has devoted a significant part of his life to helping people improve their health. He strongly believes that our bodies have a tremendous potential to heal themselves.
Albert has created dozens of high quality nutritional formulas based on the most valuable components of "living" plants. His "bestseller" was the program, with the help of which it is possible to carry out a deep complex cleansing of the whole organism in just 14 days at home without taking a break from the usual life and unpleasant procedures.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Everyone has their own unique experience and health benefits during cleansing. Everyone has their own unique experience and health benefits during the cleansing process.

Everyone has their own unique experience and health benefits during cleansing. Everyone has their own unique experience and health benefits during the cleansing process.

Everyone has their own unique experience and health benefits during cleansing. Everyone has their own unique experience and health benefits during the cleansing process.

Everyone has their own unique experience and health benefits during cleansing. Everyone has their own unique experience and health benefits during the cleansing process.

Everyone has their own unique experience and health benefits during cleansing. Everyone has their own unique experience and health benefits during the cleansing process.

Everyone has their own unique experience and health benefits during cleansing. Everyone has their own unique experience and health benefits during the cleansing process.

Everyone has their own unique experience and health benefits during cleansing. Everyone has their own unique experience and health benefits during the cleansing process.

Everyone has their own unique experience and health benefits during cleansing. Everyone has their own unique experience and health benefits during the cleansing process.

Everyone has their own unique experience and health benefits during cleansing. Everyone has their own unique experience and health benefits during the cleansing process.

Quality assurance

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation awarded a diploma to DeFito. for the development and implementation of the product "Organism Purification Program" for cleansing the organism from toxins and toxins

Certificate of state registration of the program No.1
Certificate of state registration of the program No. 2
Certificate of state registration of the program No. 3
Ask your question

Program package

  • 63 sachets of cleansing cocktail
  • 91 herbal medicine packets.
  • Probiotics.
  • Shaker.
  • Handy bag.
  • A detailed guide.
  • A short brochure to carry with you.
  • Phone app (Android and iOS).
  • 24/7 support.
  • Huge knowledge base.