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Why is it used?
It has long been recognized that when evaluating design and composition, legible text makes it difficult to concentrate. Lorem Ipsum is used because it provides a more or less standardized filling of the template, as well as a real distribution of letters and spaces in paragraphs, which is not obtained by simple duplication of "Here is your text...". Here is your text... Here is your text..." Many electronic layout programs and HTML editors use Lorem Ipsum as the default text, so a keyword search for "lorem ipsum" immediately reveals how many web pages are still waiting for their true birth. The Lorem Ipsum text has received many versions over the years. Some versions have appeared by mistake, some intentionally (e.g., humorous versions).

Where did he come from?
Many people think that Lorem Ipsum is a pseudo-Latin set of words taken from the ceiling, but this is not quite true. It has its roots in a single fragment of Classical Latin from 45 A.D., which is more than two millennia ago. Richard McClintock, a professor of Latin at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, took one of the strangest words in Lorem Ipsum, "consectetur," and searched for it in classical Latin literature. As a result, he found the undisputed primary source of Lorem Ipsum in sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (On the Limits of Good and Evil), written by Cicero in 45 A.D. This treatise on the theory of ethics was very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...," comes from one of the lines in section 1.10.32

The classical text of Lorem Ipsum, in use since the sixteenth century, is given below. Also given are sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of Cicero's "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" and their English translation by H. Rackham, 1914.

Where do I get it?
There are many variants of Lorem Ipsum, but most of them have not always acceptable modifications, such as humorous insertions or words that don't even remotely resemble Latin. If you need Lorem Ipsum for a serious project, you probably don't want some joke hidden in the middle of a paragraph. Also, all other known Lorem Ipsum generators use the same text, which they simply repeat until the desired volume is reached. This makes the generator proposed here the only true Lorem Ipsum generator. It uses a dictionary of more than 200 Latin words as well as a set of sentence models. As a result, the generated Lorem Ipsum looks plausible, with no repeated paragraphs or "impossible" words.